News briefing – Week of 3 April

Venezuela’s capital Caracas has been ranked by the Citizen’s Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice (CCSPJP) as the world’s deadliest city for a second year in a row, with a homicide rate of 130 per 100.000 inhabitants. The city is notorious for its high rates of street and organised crime, becoming a major drug…

Boletín de noticias – Semana del 24 de octubre

40 funcionarios de las Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (FANB), la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana (GNB) y altos funcionarios del gobierno nacional aparecen involucrados en el tráfico de drogas en un periodo entre agosto del 2015 y agosto del 2016, según el Observatorio de Delito Organizado. De esta manera, la corrupción hace vulnerable la lucha contra el…

Boletín de noticias – Semana del 19 de septiembre

En lo que va de 2016, más 64 toneladas de estupefacientes se han incautado en Ecuador, según el Ministerio del Interior. La mayoría estaba destinada al tráfico internacional, sobre todo hacia el continente europeo. Ecuador es considerado ruta de tránsito de drogas y de insumos para elaborarla. La Policía Federal de Argentina ha detenido una…

Weekly Briefing – Week of 22 February

Around 300 Ecuadorian fishermen have been arrested in the last three years by foreign authorities for being involved in international drug-trafficking rings. According to the Ecuadorian authorities, the fishermen are now under the custody in the United States, Guatemala or Colombia. The EMCDDA is currently developing estimates of the size of the drug market in the…

News briefing – week beginning on 14 September

Brazil’s Supreme Court justices have been discussing the possibility of decriminalise the personal possession of marijuana. Six votes are needed for the bill to pass and three out of the 11 judges have already voted in favour. According to the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) approximately 62 tons of cocaine were seized last…