From 1 to 4 November 2022, the II Transregional Meeting of Maritime Intelligence Units between the Dominican Republic and Jamaica was held jointly by SEACOP V and the MCBS Project of FIIAPP.
Both EU-funded projects started this initiative last June, with the aim of strengthening the exchange of information between the two main Caribbean islands. Due to its particularly sensitive nature with regards to illicit maritime trafficking, this area is the beneficiary of the two European programmes’ initiative to support the fight against this activity by local authorities.

This second trans-regional meeting was attended by experts from the Spanish Scientific Police and Public Prosecutor’s Office, as well as experts from the Colombian Navy. The training was aimed at improving their skills and knowledge in relation to the different methods of contamination by criminal organisations in the Caribbean area, to the development of successful judicial cooperation as a result of exchange of information and to the identification of the necessary security measures to preserve the scene of the crime, detection of false documents and lifting of fingerprints.
The complete training took place in the morning and afternoon at the facilities of the Drug Academy of the DNCD, a key partner for SEACOP.

The next step of the successful EU projects’ cooperation with Dominican Republic will include the official signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between SEACOP/ Expertise France and the local authority.