Expertise France -through the SEACOP maritime security project- signs an MoU with the Gambian government.
On Thursday 12 January 2023, the Gambian Minister of the Interior, Siaka Sonko, signed on behalf of the Gambian government a Memorandum of Understanding with the SEACOP Project Director, representing the main implementing partner of the project, Expertise France.

In parallel to the signing ceremony, Mr Bucas held talks with the Director of the Port of Banjul and the Commissioner of Customs, during which they discussed the security situation in the West African country and its efforts to combat maritime crime.
Afterwards, the SEACOP delegation took part in a visit of the port facilities and the Narcotics Intelligence Analisis Center, which allowed them to observe the actions taken to improve the capacities of the agents in charge of the fight against trafficking in the country.

A first training activity is planned to be implemented quickly by SEACOP in The Gambia, according to its Regional Coordinator for West Africa, who said it will focus on ship searches.
It will be aimed at officers from the DRUG LAW ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION OF GAMBIA (DLEAG), customs and the port authority.
The Gambia is one of the new SEACOP partner countries since the launch of its 5th phase in May 2021.