Regional capacity building and sustainability of action were at the core of last weeks’ #SEACOP training of trainers programme delivered to 16 trainees and 2 auditors from 8 West African countries.
Held in close collaboration with ISMI in Cote d’Ivoire from 1-12 July 2024, the course was designed to develop the capacities of representatives of Maritime Intelligence Units (MIU) by creating a pool of local trainers to maintain and strengthen the skills of teams in our partner countries of West Africa.
“The importance of this training session for trainers in maritime information processing is reflected in the fact that it will improve the autonomy of the Maritime Intelligence Units and advance ship-targeting activities as part of routine maritime surveillance, thereby helping to step up the fight against illicit maritime trafficking,” noted Commissaire Principal de Police Dadié Ahondjo Jean-Marie, Deputy Secretary General of CILAD.
Over the course of two weeks, the trainees were equipped with skills in designing, developing, and delivering training on maritime intelligence handling to target ships of interest (concealment of illicit goods) using effective pedagogical methods. Practical sessions on module delivery and ship targeting based on specific criteria were conducted.

Enhancing Surveillance through Interregional Networking
An interregional videoconference session was held between Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa, dedicated to sharing pedagogical knowledge and experiences on maritime trafficking cases.
“The training will enhance the autonomy of MIUs and advance ship targeting activities within the framework of routine maritime surveillance,” explained the SEACOP West Africa Team composed of Regional Coordinator Laurent Rinjonneau and Deputy Regional Coordinator Akizi Akala.
“It will promote a ship targeting culture and increase the number of relevant ship inspections conducted by Joint Maritime Control Units (JMCU), thereby contributing to a strengthened fight against illicit maritime trafficking. The training also established a network of MIU trainers and practitioners at the regional and interregional levels, thus enhancing intelligence exchange capabilities for more effective combat.”
Follow-up and mentoring sessions will be organised by the SEACOP team to support the new trainers in their activities.
Special thanks to SEACOP national focal point in Côte d’Ivoire, ISMI director, the EU Delegation, Country Director of Expertise France in Côte d’Ivoire and our trainer Keltoum B.