Enhancing International Cooperation: ENACT Discusses Mutual Legal Assistance in Combating Organised Crime in Africa

On 20 June 2024, ENACT organized a webinar to discuss mutual legal assistance (MLA), in Africa as a key tool for formal international cooperation, following the publication of their report “Evaluating the effectiveness of mutual legal assistance and extradition in Africa.” The event was moderated by Advocate Vusumzi Pikoli, and featured insights from various speakers…

EU Crime Fighting Week: GIFP projects share their expertise and lessons learned

The EU Crime Fighting Week (CFW) took place from 10-14 June 2024, bringing together over 250 participants, including EU institutions, international partners, and EU-funded projects, to tackle transregional organised crime. The event, which gathered all the Global Illicit Flows Programme (GIFP) actions featured 16 panels with almost 100 speakers and moderators, covering a broad range…

News Brief – Week of 17 June 2024

17.06.24 – 6 arrested as 35 tonnes of cocaine seized at major European ports. Europol has supported the German Criminal Police (LKA Baden Wuttemberg) and German Customs (ZFA Stuttgart and ZOLL Karlsruhe) in dismantling a criminal organisation smuggling large quantities of cocaine in containers from South America to the EU via major ports, largely the…

Strengthening Regional Cooperation: COLIBRI Project’s Regional Seminar in Asuncion, Paraguay

From 4 to 6 June 2024, COLIBRI held its first regional seminar for focal points in the Latin America and Caribbean region, held in Asuncion, Paraguay. This gathering brought together 35 focal points representing 31 different administrations from eight partner countries: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. The seminar provided…

Inter-Regional event on Global Cooperation against maritime trafficking

Lisbon, Portugal – 19 June 2024 – The EU-funded SEACOP project on Monday held the first inter-regional event under its 6th phase in Lisbon, Portugal. Titled ‘From America to Africa: Global Cooperation to Disrupt the New Illicit Maritime Route,’ the landmark event brought together around 90 high-level representatives from 20 countries of Latin America, West…

AIRCOP delivers mentoring in Panama

In the efforts to strengthen capacities of international airports to detect and intercept illicit commodities, on 7 June 2024 AIRCOP delivered a mentoring session on recognising and detecting synthetic drugs at Tocumen Cargo Airport, a major international freight hub located in Panama. Sixteen officers from various national law enforcement agencies, including Customs, National Migration Service,…

News Brief – Week of 10 June 2024

11.06.24 – Sophisticated banknote print shop dismantled in Italy. On an action day conducted on 10 June 2024 in Lecce, the Italian Carabinieri arrested a money counterfeiter and dismantled a sophisticated counterfeiting print shop. The raid, which resulted in the seizure of over EUR 100 000 in counterfeit banknotes and over EUR 10 000 in…