CRIMJUST and Brazil talk of tackling threat of Transnational Crime at the COP9

  CRIMJUST and the Brazilian Federal Prosecution Services gathered on 15-19 October 2018 in Vienna, Austria, at the 9th Conference of the Parties to the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (COP9) to announce the implementation of joint working groups aimed at fighting transnational crime in Latin America.                   …

UNODC challenges Ghanaian, Liberian and Nigerian prosecutors to solve a fictitious organized crime and corruption case to strengthen their investigation management skills

CRIMJUST, the West African Network of Central Authorities and Prosecutors (WACAP) and the UNODC Project “Response to Drugs and Related Organized Crime in Nigeria” held a Workshop on Strengthening Integrity in Investigation and Prosecution of Complex Cases, on 19-20 July in Lagos, Nigeria. For two days, the participants- 30 criminal justice practitioners, mainly prosecutors from…

CRIMJUST supports Peru in fostering international judicial cooperation in organised crime and drug trafficking

Under the framework of CRIMJUST, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) delivered a workshop in International Judicial Cooperation in cases of organised crime, drug trafficking and money laundering, in collaboration with the National Commission for Development and Life Without Drugs (DEVIDA PERU) and the Iberoamerican Network of Anti-Drug Prosecutors (RFAI), on 26-28…

UNODC: first replication of training on handheld electronic field testing devices for drug identification held in West Africa

Under the framework of the projects CRIMJUST and “Response to Drugs and Related Organized Crime in Nigeria”, UNODC conducted, on 12 July 2018, the first replication workshop on “Drug identification with handheld electronic field testing devices” in Lagos, Nigeria. It was the first training in West Africa to introduce the use of the testing devices,…

UNODC and CRIMJUST strengthen Digital Evidence Capabilities through a specialised course in Panama

CRIMJUST and the UNODC Global Programme on Cybercrime launched a Training Workshop on Cybercrime to improve the participants’ technical skills on digital evidence gathering and ensure an effective response to challenges arising from drug trafficking. The course took place in Panama from 25 to 26 June 2018. Twenty-six participants, officers from the Public Prosecution Office…

UNODC Assists the Public Ministry of Panama to Launch a Regional Workshop on Asset Recovery and Mechanisms for the Prosecution of the proceeds of crime

CRIMJUST delivered a Regional Workshop on Asset Recovery and Mechanism for the Prosecution of the Illicit Product on 11 June 2018 together with the School of Public Prosecutors of the Public Ministry of Panama. With the participation of officers from the Public Prosecution Office(s) of Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic,…

Under the framework of CRIMJUST, UNODC delivers a Cryptocurrency Investigation Course in Argentina

Under the framework of CRIMJUST and through the Global Programme against Money-Laundering Programme (GPML), the UNODC and the Ministry of Security in Argentina collaboratively held a 2-day cryptocurrency investigation training from 7-8 June 2018. The aim of this computer-based course was to enhance the understanding of cryptocurrencies and to increase the ability to conduct bitcoin…

UNODC supports Panama in strengthening institutional integrity of law enforcement

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime – Regional Office for Central America and the Caribbean (UNODC ROPAN) has supported the National Aeronaval Service (SENAN) of Panama under the framework of the CRIMJUST project, in adopting a mandatory ethics training to prevent corruption on 28 May 2018. The training titled, “Basic Course on Ethics…

Infopoint Lunchtime Conference “EU trans-regional responses to drug trafficking and organised crime”

  The lunchtime conference titled “EU trans-regional responses to drug trafficking and organised crime” took place on 17 May 2018 organised in the margins of the fourth Cocaine Route Programme (CRP) Steering Committee. The event offered a comprehensive view on the combined efforts of different EU programmes in a concerted response of the EU to…