COLIBRI holds the first Steering Committee of its second phase   

On 16 November 2023, COLIBRI hosted its Steering Committee at the World Customs Organization (WCO) headquarters in Brussels and online to discuss and outline the roadmap for the project’s second phase. As part of the GIFP, COLIBRI II will aim to enable law enforcement agencies and criminal justice institutions with enhanced capacities for conducting regular…

CRIMJUST Strives to Empower The Gambia in its fight against Organised Crime

From November 13 to 15, 2023, CRIMJUST conducted a stakeholder meeting on the protection of human rights during the investigation and prosecution of cross-border crimes in The Gambia, signalling an essential phase in advancing institutional integrity and human rights principles in the fight against illicit trafficking. During the inaugural ceremony emphasis was placed on the…

COLIBRI holds its 5th Expert Coordination Meeting in Brussels

The 5th Expert Coordination Meeting of the COLIBRI Project took place from 6th to 10th November 2023, at the World Customs Organization (WCO) headquarters in Brussels. The event marked the launch of the project’s second phase, focusing on Monitoring and Controlling General Aviation (GA) in countries along illicit trafficking routes. Attended by 30 experts from…

Bolstering the Fight Against Online Wildlife Crime: ECO-SOLVE a new action within the GIFP

The GIFP action ECO-SOLVE was unveiled as one of the EU’s new external action initiatives for tackling wildlife crime at the Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime (GI-TOC)’s “Data and Wildlife Crime” side event on the margins of CITES 77th Standing Committee in Geneva, Switzerland, on 9 November 2023. In 2022, the European Commission tasked…

ENACT webinar – Global meets local: new transnational organised crime trends in Africa

On 17 October 2023, ENACT held a webinar to discuss the illegal trade and flow of people, goods and substances throughout Africa and their impact beyond the continent’s borders, as shown by the rise in irregular migration and illicit financial flows into Europe. The European Commission opened the event reaffirming the EU’s commitment to the…

CRIMJUST delivers specialised technical training on effective responses to cocaine production and trafficking in Colombia

CRIMJUST focuses on combatting transnational organised crime, inter alia in relation to drug production and trafficking. The programme aims to enhance law enforcement and prosecution strategies, with a focus on disrupting illicit trafficking chains. By strengthening transnational investigative and prosecutorial networks, CRIMJUST is aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, contributing to peace, justice,…