SEACOP commended by OAS representatives

Yesterday, Thursday 22 September, SEACOP’s Regional Coordinator for Latin America Alfredo Diaz Sanchez participated in the meeting of the Group of Experts on Maritime Traffic, an event organised in Lima, Peru by the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) of the Organisation of American States (OAS). Participating delegations from Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay each…

SEACOP wraps up training for Dominican Republic anti-drug unit

Last week, SEACOP concluded a week long training in the Dominican Republic, targeted at the National Drug Control Directorate (DNCD). Titled “Search for Illicit Substances in Vessels and Containers” and “Advanced Intelligence in Maritime Intelligence Matters”, the training aimed at reinforcing the country’s capacities in the fight against drug trafficking and related crimes. The course…

Workshop on the creation of a National Firearms Focal Point in Paraguay

From 13 to 15 September 2022 in Asunción, Paraguay, a workshop was organised under the framework of GIFP component Countering Firearms Trafficking to draft a proposal for the establishment of a National Firearms Focal Point (NFFP) in the Republic of Paraguay. The workshop concluded with a draft of standard operating procedures governing the composition, roles…

Delivery of micro-percussion marking machine and training course for members of DIMABEL in Paraguay

With financial support from the European Union through the GIFP component ‘Countering Firearms Trafficking’, on 13 September 2022, a firearms marking machine was delivered to Paraguay, destined for the Directorate of Military Equipment (DIMABEL) at the Defence Ministry. Designated personnel from the directorate then attended courses designed to provide technical skills and establish appropriate parameters…


SEACOP trains 13 officers from Dominican Republic JMCU

Today, 9 September 2022, SEACOP concluded a one week training for the Joint Maritime Control Unit of Dominican Republic 🇩🇴.Targeted at 13 officials from the Dirección Nacional de Control de Drogas (DNCD), the Navy, the Specialized Port Security (Cuerpo Especializado de Seguridad Portuaria), Customs and the Departamento Nacional De Investigación (DNI), the activity was launched on…

ENACT Roundtable – East Africa: frontline for organised crime in Africa

On 30 August 2022, GIFP component ENACT organised an East Africa regional roundtable on trends in the transnational organised crimes programme. The Institute for Security Studies (ISS) partners, together with the ENACT implementing partners – the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime and INTERPOL – provided an overview of ENACT’s research and analytical work and…