Going beyond seizures: the investigative case forum – Focus on a CRIMJUST flagship activity

  The end of 2019 was marked by the successful implementation of the fourth Investigative Drug Case Forum, a flagship event that was organised by project CRIMJUST. Like the other components of the Global Illicit Flows Programme (GIFP), and whilst complementing them, CRIMJUST has a transnational mandate and targets its efforts to promote enhanced cooperation…

Controlled deliveries by the JAITF in Argentina – a highlight of AIRCOP activities in 2019

As described by the United Nations Convention Against Organised Crime, a controlled delivery is a special investigation technique allowing suspicious shipments or cargo to leave, pass through or enter a jurisdiction with the knowledge and supervision of authorities with a view to the investigation of an offence and the identification of persons involved in the…

An autumn highlight in the EU’s capital: the first EU Crime Week brought law enforcement, DEVCO project partners, EU agencies and services together to address organised crime

For 5 days, from 25 to 29 November, participants exchanged on coordination and synergies, but also challenges in the fight against illicit trafficking, and in particular drug trafficking, both inside and outside Europe. The launch of the EU Drug Market’s Report on 26 November underpinned discussions on the current global drug production and European consumption,…

Forthcoming SEACOP training activities in West Africa and latest results

From October to November 2019, the SEACOP project will organise three training sessions in Dakar for customs officers, police officers and gendarmes assigned to the JMCUs (Joint Maritime Control Units) based in Cotonou (Benin), Lomé (Togo) and Dakar (Senegal). The trainings will strengthen the JMCUs capacity to fight transnational organised crime and the illicit trafficking…