Strengthening Oversight and Accountability: CRIMJUST Workshop on Torture Prevention in The Gambia

CRIMJUST joined forces with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to enhance oversight and accountability mechanisms in The Gambia. Held in Banjul 4-6 March 2024, a Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop focused on fostering institutional integrity, accountability, and incorporating human rights and gender perspectives…

ENACT Seminar Reveals Escalating Threat of Illegal Succulent Trade in South Africa

The ENACT seminar that took place on the 6 March 2024, addressing the illicit succulent trade in South Africa, provided insightful perspectives into the growing threat faced by the country’s unique biodiversity. The representative from the European Union voiced concern over the seriousness of the issue, highlighting that many illegally traded succulent plants are even…

Cocaine Seizure in Ecuador : Witnessing the concrete results of SEACOP support

On March 8th, 2024, SEACOP received proof that its support to partner countries yields tangible, long-lasting results. In a message sent by a representative from Ecuador’s Customs, capacity-building delivered by SEACOP in 2022 was linked to a recent seizure of 440kg of cocaine in Yahuarcocha. ๐Ÿ—ฃ “The Maritime Intelligence training provided to the Cuerpo de…

COLIBRI Monitoring Mission to Cape Verde and National Steering Committee

On 1 March 2024, Cape Verde hosted a high-level Monitoring Mission and National Steering Committee Meeting, underscoring its commitment to strengthening the GIFP through the COLIBRI project. The event included bilateral meetings with key national entities, highlighting a coordinated effort to enhance general aviation (GA) security. The Director General of Cape Verdean Customs expressed robust…

ECO-SOLVE holds a regional consultation on ‘Exposing Elite Protection and Corruption in Environmental Crime in Southeast Asia and Oceania’

On February 29, 2024, the second regional consultation on ‘Exposing Elite Protection and Corruption in Environmental Crime in Southeast Asia and Oceania’ was hosted in Bangkok, Thailand, as part of the ECO-SOLVE project. The consultation was introduced by Louise Taylor, Asia-Pacific Representative of the GI-TOC and officially opened by Andreas Roettger on behalf of the…

AIRCOP implements Training on Passenger Targeting and Freight Control for the JAITF of Cotonou, Benin

From February 19th โ€“ 1 March 2024, PCBT AIRCOP implemented a two-week theoretical and practical training in Cotonou on passenger targeting and freight control, led by Belgian and French customs officers. The training’s overall aim was to provide participants with the tools and knowledge needed to carry out effective targeting operations to detect high-risk passengers…

New threats in the maritime domain ๐ŸŒŠ : SEACOP’s Case Studies Series kicks off again.

On 19 February 2024, SEACOP launched the second chapter of its ‘Case Studies and Threats’, a webinar series aimed at bringing together partners fighting against transnational crime at sea across Latin America and the Caribbean. With over 100 participants, this first module garnered the interest of representatives from Argentina, Brazil Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Paraguay,…

International seminar on Cocaine Axis in the Caribbean held by SEACOP in DR

“Impact against the Cocaine Axis in the Caribbean”– This was the topic of the recent international seminar organised by SEACOP VI in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Last week (20-22 February 2024), SEACOP held a maritime intelligence seminar aiming to strengthen intelligence gathering in the maritime environment, build knowledge of the existing threats and exchange good…

Drug seizure recorded by Maritime Control Unit supported by SEACOP

The Joint Maritime Control Unit of Tema Port, created through SEACOP in 2015 and supported through four training over the past three years, achieved a remarkable seizure on Monday 29 January 2024. According to the Narcotics Control Commission’s announcement, NACOC seized 4,734.34kg of various Tramadol tablets. “The seizure was part of the Commissionโ€™s mandate relating…