News briefing – week of 28 February

28/03 Criminal network distributing fake dark web documents busted. An investigation by the French Border Police (Police aux Frontières/Police Judiciaire which forms part of the National Police) and the Spanish National Police (Policía Nacional), supported by Europol, led officers to the dismantling of an organised crime group involved in the procurement and distribution of forged…

News Briefing – Week of 20 July

20/07/2020 – Mexico’s Ministry of Security and Citizen Protection and EUROPOL concluded a formal Working Arrangement to expand their collaboration on security matters. 21/07/2020 – Costa Rican and Honduran authorities seized almost three tonnes of cocaine. Costa Rican authorities seized two tonnes in national waters on board a ship in collaboration with US and Colombian authorities whilst Honduras intercepted a…

News Briefing – Week of 18 May

The lock-down measures adopted in Morocco have disrupted the usual routes used to traffic cannabis towards Europe. Indeed, traffickers were previously relying on the commercial shipping vessels or high-speed boats crossing the Mediterranean. So as to avoid detection, they are favouring longer and more expansive routes however such methodology requires drug hand-overs at high sea.  Burmese authorities…

News Briefing – Week of 13 April

700 kg of cocaine was seized at the Yokohama seaport in Japan in March 2020. The drugs were hidden in a container transporting boxes of bananas. According to the Japanese authorities, the drugs more than likely arrived by mistake as a result of traffickers not being able to unload at ports prior to Yokohama.    Over 1600…

Newsbriefing – Week of 28 January

On January 28, a workshop on Trafficking in Persons was held in Abuja, Nigeria. At this occasion, the Labour Migration Expert of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) discussed Alliance 8.7, a global network established in partnership with the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) with the aim of reducing child labour…

Newsbriefing – Week of 10 December

In Guatemala, an investigation shows the links between an influential pastor and a high-profile drug-trafficker to support the construction of a church. The concerned pastor and church denied the accusations. A legal expert suggests that Kenya include the Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO) in the country’s criminal law. In other countries, the UWO has had some…

Newsbriefing-Week of 27 of August

Britain announced a 2 million pound ($2.6 million) scheme to help authorities stop at risk children falling into the grip of traffickers and gangs who force them to move drugs over ‘county lines’ from cities to rural areas. A historic summit between the President of Colombia, Duque, and his political rivals took place at La…

Boletín de noticias – Semana del 19 de septiembre

En lo que va de 2016, más 64 toneladas de estupefacientes se han incautado en Ecuador, según el Ministerio del Interior. La mayoría estaba destinada al tráfico internacional, sobre todo hacia el continente europeo. Ecuador es considerado ruta de tránsito de drogas y de insumos para elaborarla. La Policía Federal de Argentina ha detenido una…