An autumn highlight in the EU’s capital: the first EU Crime Week brought law enforcement, DEVCO project partners, EU agencies and services together to address organised crime

For 5 days, from 25 to 29 November, participants exchanged on coordination and synergies, but also challenges in the fight against illicit trafficking, and in particular drug trafficking, both inside and outside Europe. The launch of the EU Drug Market’s Report on 26 November underpinned discussions on the current global drug production and European consumption,…

Newsbriefing – Week of 30 September

The poaching and smuggling of marine life are increasingly treated as organised crime in South Africa. Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing have traditionally been dealt with as fisheries management issues by the government, resulting in low penalties for offenders. But regional initiatives like FishFORCE, training law enforcement officers and prosecutors, have resulted in greater awareness…

Newsbriefing – Week of 12 August

Spanish authorities dismantled an organised crime group involved in international money laundering. The Spanish-based criminal group laundered more than 70 millions euros on behalf of Asian and Colombian drug trafficking organisations responsible for smuggling cocaine into Europe. Authorities dismantled an organised crime group in Spain and Portugal involved in drug trafficking. The drug would arrive…

Newsbriefing – Week of 3 June

Spanish Police arrested eleven suspects after custom officers seized one tonne of cocaine concealed inside fake stones. The organised crime group was working with the stone industry to smuggle large quantities of drugs from Colombia into the port of Barcelona, to be later distributed throughout Europe. Belgian authorities dismantled a major illegal cigarette factory and…