News Briefing-Week of 11 of June

Conservative candidate Ivan Duque has won Colombia’s presidential runoff election on 17 June 2018. Duque’s presidential agenda included next to the peace deal also narco-trafficking. Colombia’s production of cocaine has increased, and armed groups are fighting each other for control of routes once controlled by FARC. The cocaine kingpin, Edgar Valdez Villarreal, known as “La…

UNODC supports Panama in strengthening institutional integrity of law enforcement

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime – Regional Office for Central America and the Caribbean (UNODC ROPAN) has supported the National Aeronaval Service (SENAN) of Panama under the framework of the CRIMJUST project, in adopting a mandatory ethics training to prevent corruption on 28 May 2018. The training titled, “Basic Course on Ethics…

News Briefing-Week of 21st of May

This year the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has several opportunities to revisit, rethink and reinvigorate the fight against organised crime in the region. The organisation is poised to significantly boost its role as a regional framework for policy development and action on serious issues, among which various forms of illicit trafficking, including…

Strengthening technical knowledge related to cocaine cultivation, production and laboratory criminal techniques

CRIMJUST, UNODC Colombia and the government and police of Colombia recently teamed up to combat the growing and global challenges posed by cocaine cultivation, production and trafficking. A joint training programme to strengthen the technical knowledge related to cocaine cultivation, production and laboratory criminal techniques was

CRIMJUST promotes exchange with Mexican Police and General Prosecutor

CRIMJUST partner countries met, between 28 and 29 August, with representatives of the Mexican Federal Police and the General Prosecutor of the Republic in Mexico to exchange best practices in effectively tackling drug trafficking. Aimed at enhancing regional and south-south cooperation, CRIMJUST in collaboration with the UNODC Mexico regional office, organised an exchange visit to…