Newsbriefing – Week of 18 March

During the ministerial segment of the 62nd session of the CND, the Gambian Minister of the Interior announced that his government firmly opposed the decriminalisation of cannabis use highlighting that the drug was responsible for most of the drug-connected crimes in the Gambia. On Monday, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro started off his official visit to…

Newsbriefing – Week of 11 February

The World Health Organization (WHO) has suggested the reclassification of cannabis as Schedule 1 of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. At least half of the 53 members of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs will have to ratify the proposed amendments, for the proposition to be accepted. However, many of these countries prohibit the use…

Newsbriefing – Week of 14 January

The authorities of Trinidad and Tobago are considering the legalisation of cannabis. In late December, the government announced that the drug will be decriminalised in May or June 2019. To this, some groups of the society responded that only legal cultivation could prevent the violence linked to organised crime. In Colombia, criminal groups are taking…

News briefing – Week of 3 April

Venezuela’s capital Caracas has been ranked by the Citizen’s Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice (CCSPJP) as the world’s deadliest city for a second year in a row, with a homicide rate of 130 per 100.000 inhabitants. The city is notorious for its high rates of street and organised crime, becoming a major drug…

News briefing – Week of 27 March

Colombian police seized more than 6 tons of cocaine in the Caribbean port of Barranquilla bound for Spain. Colombian Defence Minister Luis Carlos Villegas confirmed that the shipment, worth €200 million, was carried out by several drug cartels, including El Clan del Golfo. The seizure represents the third largest cocaine seizure in the history of…

News Briefings – Week of 21 March

The Spanish police arrested a number of Dutch citizens smuggling between Malaga and the Netherlands. More than 500 kilos of drugs were seized. In total the Spanish police seized 242.7 kilos of marijuana and 420 kilos of hashish. A recent report on drug trafficking in Venezuelan border state Zulia draws attention to a key cocaine corridor that…

News Briefing – Week of 30 November

Closing event of the AMERIPOL-EU event held in Bogota. Financed under the ICsP and part of the flagship Cocaine Route Programme, the projects objectives focused on strengthening the cooperation of law enforcement, judicial and prosecuting authorities in Latin America and the Caribbean. During a regional workshop on Risk Assessment on Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing…

News Briefing – Week of 2 November

Two French pilots who fled from Dominican Republic as accused of alleged cocaine trafficking, were arrested in France. Dominican Republic’s prosecutor general announced tht he had requested an international arrest warrant for the two pilots. UNODC and other stakeholders called the Federal Government of Niigeria to review its drug laws, focusing more on the rehabilitation…