From the 23-25 May 2023, RUSI Europe led projects MASIF and CT MORSE supported the organisation of the event ‘Identifying programmatic links to enhance cooperation among EU-funded transregional organised crime and counter terrorism projects’ organised by FPI, with contribution from EEAS and DGs INTPA, HOME and NEAR. The event brought together team leaders and experts of the main regional and global EU-funded Transnational Organised Crime (OC) and Counter Terrorism (CT) projects for structured discussions and exchanges, with the aim of deepening collaboration, exploring complementarity, and sharing experiences and good practices linking the CT-OC threat.
The first day included a dedicated session to promoting synergies between GIFP actions and EMPACT priorities, followed by the GIFP steering committee, where each GIFP action was invited to present their latest results, achievements and future plans. It was also the opportunity for the new GIFP actions such as ECO-SOLVE, the Eastern and Southern Africa Commission on Drugs (ENACT ESACD), and EU ACT II to be officially welcomed into the GIFP family and to start identifying possible avenues for cooperations with other actions.
The second day was structured around three thematic sessions targeting common issues related to human rights, technology, and border security. From the OC side AIRCOP, COLIBRI, and CRIMJUST were asked to share their insights on these topics while from the CT side CT PHARE, CT TECH, CT TRAVEL and CT CASE were all invited to share as well.
On the last day, CT experts from EU delegations across the globe engaged with the GIFP actions and CT Facilities and discussed CT and OC needs and gaps. The final day was wrapped up by an interactive training on promoting the role of women in security and counterterrorism.
The three-day event provided a unique opportunity for security sector stakeholders working on OC and CT to discuss common approaches, possibilities for collaboration and network.