On 13 December 2016, the first Steering and Coordination Committee meeting for the implementation of CRIMJUST was held at the UNODC Headquarters in Vienna, Austria. Representatives from the European Commission, SEACOP, AIRCOP and CORMS projects as well as INTERPOL, UNODC thematic experts and Transparency International attended the event.
The principal objectives of the Steering Committee were setting a strategic orientation for the CRIMJUST project as well as to review the implementation progress. The assessment of organized crime and cocaine trafficking in Latin America and West Africa and the request of several Member States to join CRIMJUST represented the main topics of the meeting. The project Communication and Visibility strategy and Work Plan for 2017 were also approved.
CRIMJUST project was launched in 2016. It aims at addressing the gaps to counter in an effective manner the drug trafficking and organized crime along the cocaine route, and has been recognized as a significant element in tackling organized crime and illicit drug trafficking in the post-seizure phase.