An autumn highlight in the EU’s capital: the first EU Crime Week brought law enforcement, DEVCO project partners, EU agencies and services together to address organised crime

For 5 days, from 25 to 29 November, participants exchanged on coordination and synergies, but also challenges in the fight against illicit trafficking, and in particular drug trafficking, both inside and outside Europe. The launch of the EU Drug Market’s Report on 26 November underpinned discussions on the current global drug production and European consumption,…

SEACOP latest news and activities in the Caribbean

From September to November 2019, SEACOP will be delivering its last round of intelligence trainings (practical, mentoring) to Caribbean customs and law enforcement officials as to strengthen their capabilities in the fight against transnational organised crime and illicit trafficking by sea. On 2-5 September, SEACOP delivered its third JMCU mentoring event in Kingston, Jamaica. The…

SEACOP delivers JMCU mentoring to five Caribbean countries

Between 27 April and 22 May 2019, SEACOP delivered Joint Maritime Control Unit (JMCU) courses to five Caribbean countries. Beneficiary countries are Saint Kitts and Nevis, the British Virgin Islands, Antigua and Barbuda, Guyana and Dominica. The mentoring was delivered by four trainers from the UK’s Border Force Agency, high specialists in the fight against maritime trafficking.

CRP welcomes its newest component COLIBRI

The Cocaine Route Programme (CRP) has enlarged its mandate and perspectives in its fight against organised crime and drug trafficking with its newest component “COLIBRI: Monitoring and Controlling General Aviation along the Cocaine Route”. The COLIBRI Project aims at combating more effectively organised crime and the challenges raised by cocaine trafficking on the vector of…

AIRCOP delivers a training on airport intelligence in South America and the Caribbean

From 22 to 26 April 2019, Joint Airport Interdiction Task Forces from 8 countries from Latin America and the Caribbean benefitted from a regional online interactive training on intelligence and analysis for border control management at international airports, alongside other law enforcement officers. Overall, 120 persons from Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Colombia, the…

SEACOP represented at the annual CABSEC/SAMSEC in Barbados

From 26 to 29 of March, the regional coordinator of SEACOP for the Caribbean attended the annual Caribbean Basin Coastal Surveillance and Maritime Security Summit (CABSEC) and South-American Security Summit (SAMSEC) combined forum on maritime security organised by the Barbados Defence Force. This year, the forum focused on promoting regional cooperation and countering transnational threats. On the second…

Newsbriefing – Week of 11 February

The World Health Organization (WHO) has suggested the reclassification of cannabis as Schedule 1 of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. At least half of the 53 members of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs will have to ratify the proposed amendments, for the proposition to be accepted. However, many of these countries prohibit the use…