After providing a series of courses in Latin America during 2017, from 6 to 8 February SEACOP organised the first Regional Workshop for Maritime Intelligence Units (MIU) in the region, held in Panama.
The event brought together officials from the Latin American Maritime Intelligence Units supported by the project aimed at promoting regional cooperation to reinforce intelligence capacities related to illicit maritime trafficking.
Panama’s Commissioner, Rolando López, welcomed the project activity and emphasised that the participating countries “are examples of the fight against drug trafficking, understanding the social and security scourge resulting from the cultivation, manufacture and transport of drugs in the region”.
Mr. Jacinto Gómez, representing the Panama National Security Council, closed the meeting by highlighting its value for “understanding the common threats from drug trafficking and seeking solutions”.
The meeting was attended by officials from the Maritime Intelligence Units from Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Panama and the Dominican Republic. Peru and Ecuador also attended with a view to their future engagement and participation in SEACOP.
Attendance by the other Cocaine Route Programme components – AIRCOP, CORMS and CRIMJUST – ensured increased awareness of the Programme’s overall reach in fighting organised crime by promoting trans-regional cooperation.