CRIMJUST and the UNODC Global Programme on Cybercrime launched a Training Workshop on Cybercrime to improve the participants’ technical skills on digital evidence gathering and ensure an effective response to challenges arising from drug trafficking. The course took place in Panama from 25 to 26 June 2018. Twenty-six participants, officers from the Public Prosecution Office and the Police of Panama (National Directorate of Police Intelligence and Directorate of Judicial Investigation) attended the event.
During the first day, Ms. Bertha Nayelly Loya, Coordinator of the Global Programme on Cybercrime in El Salvador, discussed general characteristics of cybercrime, as well as the international framework on cybercrime. Mr. Adrián Acosta, an international export from INTERPOL, provided information on the tools and services available through INTERPOL’s platform, the terminology related thereto (IP, Malware, BEC, Sextortion), and the importance of OSINT (Open-Source Intelligence). In addition, Mr. Igor Blanco, a prosecutor from the Specialized Unit on Cybercrime in Panamá, explained the specifics of Panamanian legislation on this topic.
The second day focused on investigations of online child sexual exploitation (ICSE database) and provided updated information on sextortion, BEC, and Ransomware, as well as the darkweb. Participants also analysed cryptocurrencies and learned how to request digital evidence from internet service providers.
Participants reviewed basic concepts for carrying out investigations that involve the use of information technology in the workshop, including the legal framework applicable to cybercrime investigations and inter-agency coordination.