The 4th General Aviation Working Group meeting took place on February 7, 2024, and played a pivotal role in advancing collaboration among practitioners from around the world working to disrupt the illicit use of general aviation (GA). The working group focused on profiling methodologies, capabilities and techniques as well as identifying appropriate channels for intelligence and information exchange. Gathering over 40 delegates, this was the largest working group meeting to date and was supported by COLIBRI in coordination with the EMPACT CCH operational action on GA which is co-led by the UK NCA and MAOC-N.
The meeting provided a platform for constructive discussions on GA-specific issues and offered the opportunity to share and exchange on concrete cases as well as on adapted approaches to mitigate if not anticipate risks. Case studies and experiences from Brazil and Colombia were shared, thus offering additional insights into the evolution of air traffic routes to Europe, profiling techniques, and collaborative opportunities to address illicit trafficking within GA. With the aim of enhancing the understanding of available platforms and tools that support improved capacities in monitoring and controlling GA, COLIBRI presented the Geoportal, a platform that facilitates sharing of pertinent information among partner countries’ law enforcement agencies.

The meeting highlighted COLIBRI’s commitment to continue fostering international cooperation and addressing challenges posed by illicit flows via GA. The activity provided a valuable platform for practitioners to build expertise, knowledge, enhance collaboration, and contribute to the ongoing efforts in securing GA.
COLIBRI is an integral part of the GIFP and the only intervention focusing on the specific use of GA for illicit activities. COLIBRI aims to support law enforcement and criminal justice institutions in conducting regular and effective controls in GA to combat illicit trafficking, at international airports and at domestic airfields across Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa.