On 17 February 2022, MASIF organised its third Steering Committee. This hybrid meeting was held both in Brussels and remotely, bringing together all the projects constituting the GIFP. On this occasion, AIRCOP, SEACOP, COLIBRI, DISRUPT, EU-ACT, CRIMJUST, MASIF and FIREARMS provided updates on their progress, achievements, and responses to tackle illicit routes and organised crime.
The opening session of the meeting was honoured with introductory remarks by Nathalie Pauwels Head of Unit, Stability and Peace – Global and Transregional Threats at the European Commission, who underlined the value of collaborative actions taken by the different programmes to counter organised crime. Notably, she expressed that the joint efforts of the GIFP and its partners “[…] is an important element of the European Union’s efforts to fight organised crime“. The keynote speech was also an opportunity to launch the new GIFP video.

During the first session of the Committee, AIRCOP shed the light on the implementation of its multi-agency project, including operations and results in strengthening international airports’ capacity to detect illicit trafficking. Following this presentation SEACOP illustrated its updated activities in the fight against illicit maritime trade and associated criminal networks.
Similarly, CRIMJUST gave an assessment to the audience on its implementation and impact and priorities for promoting trans-regional criminal justice cooperation against drug trafficking. Moreover, COLIBRI, reviewed the achievements in tackling security challenges in general aviation, along the cocaine route.
Concerning DISRUPT a project focusing on the fight against firearms trafficking, they provided an overview of the operations implemented and challenges faced in building the capacity of law enforcement and criminal justice systems to respond to this issue. Along the same line, FIREARMS presented their efforts in increasing awareness and building capacity to implement effective firearms control.
Successively, as a completed project EU-ACT delivered its recommendations in attending an effective anti-drug trafficking strategy within the Western Indian Ocean and neighbouring region.
Finally, MASIF emphasised a better understanding of its role in supporting and monitoring the GIFP as well as increasing coherence and coordination with other programmes.

For the second session, the discussions continued with the GIFP source of resource and analysis on emerging trends and challenges related to global illicit flows.
Furthermore, The GIFP officially integrated a new component project complementing and strengthening international efforts of the structure of the GIFP’s focus on the fight against organised crime: ENACT. This new joint project aims to contribute to mitigating the impact of transnational organised crime (TOC) on governance, development, security and the rule of law in Africa.
In concluding this third Steering Committee, the fruitful exchanges led the various participants and GIFP partners to agree on the strengthening of cooperation between the EU and the international community, by reinforcing actions to fight organised crime.